Jun 2, 2013

When you're surrounded by idiots.

Survival guide
1. Avoid contact
2. If no. 1 is not possible, minimize contact
3. If no.1 and 2 is not possible, you've just hit the jackpot.

Sometimes, all those people seem to gather at one point in your life
altogether, like they have a pre-written agreement,
to come and wreck your life.

You try to avoid them as much as possible
but they come like streams
and there seems like there's no way out
they keep coming and coming

During these times,
your imagination runs wild
with the things you should do.
however, we live in a social world.
with socially acceptable behaviour.
so we refrain from doing it in reality
but in our minds, so much has happened
and so much more can still happen.

One thing I know,
Karma will get back at ya.
Look behind your back.
It may just be around the corner.
Sleep tight.