Jul 5, 2013


Before you get freaked out by the title,
I'm actually referring to Imagine Dragons' song.

Gosh they are good. I love this song.

Hit the loop button ever since. Lol.

Anyways, life is again demanding.
as it always is.
It's time for finals.
so crunch time to study
like you really really mean it.
because you have to strive to be your very best
says somebody
(this sounds a bit familiar and now I realize it's similar to the Pokemon soundtrack )

Unfortunately, yours truly can't seem to focus
and is too easily distracted.
The short semester has flown by so fast.
Feeling that little bit out of breath
Trying to cope and catch up.

Music helps.

Sometimes, you wish that in life,
there'd be a pause button 
so you can be more ready,
for the coming moments
as they come and leave so fast.
Just in a moment
and it's all gone.

If you're unlucky,
the wind gets knocked out of you.
You are temporarily breathless
struggling for air
with precious oxygen all around you.

Good news is
the air comes back after that moment
and you can breathe again.
So, inhale deeply.
Stay calm and study.

All the best peeps.
To the finals we charge!