Apr 28, 2010

Semester Break

It really is the semester break...
but its only 1 week long...

Don't get me wrong...
I don't hate college,
I just dislike waking up at 5.30 every morning to get ready and take the bus...
So, its a refreshing change that I dun hav to do that
at least for this week...
No crappy bus that sometimes come late...
No taking a one whole hour journey from home to sunway...
None of those is enough to make my day...^^

The best news is....

I've finally watched Kaichou Wa Maid Sama...
The anime of course...

its been out since the start of April but I didn't have the time...!!!

That's all I'll write for today.

Gotta finish the stuff that's piling up as I'm typing this...

Apr 22, 2010

Busy la...

Just finish our EALD forum presentation on Tues...
At least it wasn't as disasterous as I thought it would be....
Since all groups finish presenting...
Wed's class was cancelled....

Which on that day I so happen to have a CAE replacement class...
that meant 6 hours of break!!
they say too muuch of a good thing is bad and that's true..

no time to rest...

Have to finish maths homework on time for the extra class tommorow...
and do CAE assignment that would be due in 2 week...

Plus next week is holiday week...
then one week after holiday is the start of topic tests for all subjects...

Dunno how to get it all done in time...
Just hope that all my hair will stay black after all this..

So much for now...

Apr 17, 2010

So Far.....So Good?

Looks like its the end of another week....

Which also means that it's getting closer to my deadlines...
Which we really progress...
Which I hope we can finish it in time....

Enough about all the doom and gloom...

Lets start with the undecided...

To those who don't know,
that would be my CAE assignment where we have to choose between

a) interviewing someone above 45 about their working life....


b)analyze jobs that have been gone for 300 years

tough choice?
i think its kinda dumb....

both choices have its pros and cons...
have to give teacher next week then spend my whole semester break finishing it up...

Then we move on to the fun stuff....

Had real fun today driving...
Especially when i can go more than 70km/h...
finally get to speed a little....

but don't get the shocked look,
I did it within reasonable speed limits wan la..
No matter how fast I wanted to go...

So much for now...
Must return my attention to my assignments or they'll never get done....

Will update after forum presentation.

Apr 12, 2010

Sunway Outing

It was a drizzly day with little sun...

But we didn't mind since we won't get sun burned haha...


We headed there to celebrate the belated Bday of a very dear P.M.(not prime minister, mind you...)
Cupcakes were on the menu...


if you don't know what that means....

well...I'll tell you...
How To Train Your Dragon.

although some people faced with the prospect of watching a animation was not so wiling at first,
they seemed pretty satisfied with my choice after all....

this would be the part where i tell them...

I Told U So!

But that would be really sarcastic and dumb,so you guys are off the hook....

My EALD assignment is almost done(my part),
have not started on maths yet...

But I promise that it'll be done by tonight(cause the class is tomorrow morning....)
So long for now.


Watch HTTYD! if you dunno what that means...please refer to the above.


This is a really lame at your own risk(but i suppose that this warning came a little too late...haha...)

Apr 6, 2010

It seems like I have been busy for quite some while now....

I now have some time to blog before really starting to do my project...

Which so happens to be the issues of....

Women's Rights VS Men's Right 

I'm not exactly complaining except for some details that are not really worth much mention here....

Never knew that so much could revolve around these few simple words...

Who pays for the date right down to custody and alimony....
Some of these rights that we take for granted 
were actually faught for and of course won....
otherwise we won't have them.....

To think that 
things were very different until not so very long ago,
made me use some of my grey matter to contemplate this matter.

For what is have today was not necessary what they had yesterday.
And for some even today they lack it.
So its a time to feel grateful of the things that I have and maybe...
complain a little less...


PS. Ryan,  please make some noise when you walk the next time!