Feb 26, 2011


I'm feeling really lost at the moment,
I wanna find my way.
The path I'm supposed to take.

But we all know with certainty that there are no absolutes here.

There's just maybe, probably, and no idea.

Absolution is a summer dream

that would continue to haunt us

We know naught about the things
How it will start

Or how will it end

Not till the moment when it matters.

Will it be too late then?

Do people pay more attention to broken dolls?

Dolls that are broken have this certain quality
in them that compels you to look deeper into
Those sad glass eyes that reflects your own.
They tell a story,

One of sadness, gore and regret.
They tell a story,
One that we would not easily forget.

And they'll keep telling stories,
Until we listen no more...