Jan 30, 2013

There's always times when you wonder too much.

Will life be better if technology hadn't changed it?
Will we find more peace with ourselves and others if we lived like those not so long ago?
Will be happier if we actually worked for any other reason but to survive?
Since the option of making it in the wild is unlikely...

We are all stuck in civilization.
Surrounded by technology, gagdets and gizmos.
Rushing through life as we try to squeeze more work from each moment.
Going through most if this mindlessly because everyone is doing the same thing.
At the end of the day, there's still this emptiness.
But we don't know what exactly will fill it.

You try charities and volunteering and wonder
what has our world come to?
Before modernization and all
everyone seemed to stand a chance at a better quality of life.
Less stress.
Higher Mortality rates but perhaps more quality moments
Rather than just mere quantities.

Even worse is the way some people treat animals.
Before cities and mega cities,
animals had a habitat.
They did not have to rely on humans for food.
But now,
they can't really hunt or scavenge much
with the concrete jungle all around them
and everyone who deems them as pest out to get them.

It's really heart wrenching to watch as animals suffer.
Because they've asked for none of the development
none of the lost of habitat
yet, they suffer.
Hungry, without shelter when it rains.
Left in the middle of highways by people who want to get rid of them.
It is a sad state what we have become.
To inflict suffering not only on ourselves but those around us.
who were just guilty of having the wrong neighbors.

Jan 14, 2013


So, here's the first post for the new year,
although its no longer that new,
it'll be as new as one can get. lol.
Haven't thought of them this year.
Maybe its because I haven't gotten a calender.

It's true.
I do need things like clocks, watches and calenders
to give me a sense of time.
it can all go by and
I won't feel a thing.

this year starts off with the increase in workload.
and of course, various commitments.
It is also the last year I'll have in university
as I am intent on finishing everything this year.

That, of course, does come at a price.
Whether or not it is worth it?
I surely hope so.
And hopefully this time I won't take on more than I can handle.

this goes back to the argument
on whether we would know our limits
and the only true way of knowing is
doing something beyond it.
else you'll never know where the line lies.

So, this year.
The start of new things and new decisions,
a brand new slate to start on.

To learn to appreciate the things we have even more,
To be grateful for what we have
and to strive to be better.
Hmm, looks like I do have some resolutions after all.

So yeah, Happy New Year!
May 2013 be awesome for you and me =)