Feb 25, 2010

Driving Lessons Part 2

Went for my 2nd driving lesson yesterday...
And it was at the least more enjoyable than the 1st since I've now learned everything but on the road driving...

But now there seem so little time....
to finish my lessons and take the test in time before i started college(if i choose so.)

When I started out in Jan,
there seemed to be so much free time in my hands...
but now..
I need to make time to fit everything in...
Time flies....
Break will be over soon...
and the studying will begin again once more.

Not sure how I'll fare on the academic side this time...
But I hope that I'll put in enough effort to make it actually count and matter.

Till next time.

Feb 17, 2010

The Heart Does As It Pleases

Our mind when it has nothing to do,
likes to roam,
to many different thoughts, places and memories...

Sometimes,its a pleasant one,
Sometimes its not....

Either way,
we go on but not without the effect of our straying minds...
Whatever that was there,
Changes and affects what we'll do next..

Whether or not we're aware,
the fact stares at us coldly in the face...
For it is a fact
that does not require your humble confirmation to exist.

It is a fact by virtue that its true
cannot be altered simply to fit your every whim and fancy.

The thoughts that the mind holds
The thoughts that our heart holds...
Does not differ much.

For our hearts is the catalyst in changing the way the mind thinks,dreams and operate.
The heart holds memories the way we want it to
Filtering what we refuse to see...
Blinding us from what is reality..

But none is reality
Other than what the heart decrees to be reality.

Feb 13, 2010

Some tigers are just too cute to resist!
These are just a few...
Don't have much to write 4 now...
so this will be all la...

Feb 11, 2010

Overly stimulated Pain Nerves...

This past few days i have been helping round the house doing housework...
As a result if this few days...
I have managed to stimulate a lot of my pain nerves in my hands..

The reason behind that is because...
I accidentally cut my right thumb when i was cleaning the windows...
In fact, its a rather deep cut...(unlucky me T.T)

The very next day(today...)
I cut my right index finger when i was cutting the vegetables...
Maybe the vege wanted me to feel how it was like getting cut...

After a few hours,
i scraped my wrist on a door...
which then lead too some bleeding again...

From this 3 situations...
I guess we can conclude that typing with one less index finger due the fact that its warped up by a plaster is not exactly pleasant..
Not to say that now my nail is damaged too...not a sight for sore eyes at all...

lets hope I keep the rest of my fingers unharmed...
Otherwise I really won't know how to type anymore...
Just joking...

Will try to keep out of trouble like someone asked..
and try to keep away from similar painful disasters....

That's all for now..

Feb 5, 2010

是 tank 唱的哦。。。。


累了 照惯例努力清醒着
心跳在梦中 不听话的 就停止了

听着 呼吸像浪潮拍动着
如果连自己的脉搏 都难掌握

如果变成回忆 退出了这场生命
冰冷身体 拥抱不了你
想到让深爱的你 人海孤独旅行
会恨自己 如此狠心

如果变成回忆 终于没那么幸运
没机会白着头发 蹒跚牵着你 看晚霞落尽
若有人可以 让他陪你 不怪你

快乐 什么时候会结束呢
可知你是生命中的 最舍不得

如果变成回忆 退出了这场生命
冰冷身体 拥抱不了你
想到让深爱的你 人海孤独旅行
会恨自己 如此狠心

如果变成回忆 终于没那么幸运
没机会白着头发 蹒跚牵着你 看晚霞落尽
若有人可以 让他陪你

如果变成回忆 最怕太不争气
顽固的赖在空气 霸占你心里 每一寸缝隙
连累依然爱的你 痛苦承受失去
这样不公平 请你尽力 把忘记

Feb 4, 2010

Addicted to manga...totally....

This is Usui, main character of the manga....

Been reading manga this few days...
can't stop really...really addictive...
since its probably gonna be the only chance i'll get before i start studying again..
might as well enjoy it now...

go usui!

Feb 3, 2010

Well well well...
who ever thought that my first driving lesson could be disastrous?
It was supposed to be perfect and easy(what i expected...)

it apparently was...very much horrible...
and i personally didn't quite know what went wrong...
It might sound stupid...
but seriously...
the instructor expected me to find my own mistakes and fix them...

But if i could do that,
he wouldn't have a job at all...
Maybe its his mid age crisis...
the best thing would be he x reading this....

I dunno if I'll become his least favorite student..
but since i think i already am...
then there's no harm then...

But damn the gas pedal...
I think if I fail the practical driving test,
it'll probably be because i'm stepping on the pedal too hard..
and causing it to accelerate too fast(and maybe crash into something...not that it happened yet...)

But by the looks of things,
getting my license to drive would really be a rather long way away...

i hereby appeal to any higher power that we humans look up to,
to make sure that my examiner would shut one of his eye and just let me pass...

I'll be stuck with Mr. Mid-Age-Crisis again...
which i am seriously,
so pray have some mercy and spare me all the torture...

that would be all of the complaints from me now...
looking forward to CNY!
will update soon when i get the chance..