Jan 11, 2011

New Start

Just started class...
waking up really early in the morning
sitting in the jam on the way to class...

new beginnings for all...
meeting new people
learning new things

We do this every year..
Yet, when yesteryear passes us by like a flash
We never ever get used to that...

Saying goodbye to things that you no longer can indulge and keep anymore this year...
Putting certain thing lower down the list as other more pressing matters have push them down...

With the new year comes change,
new choices and new dilemmas.
We'd survive one way or another
and then when the year ends,
we marvel that we got through all that...
only to start all over the next year..

The continuous cycle that would go on,
Until the day we cease to care whether or not things happen..
Otherwise it would be see you again nest year!