Dec 15, 2012


The semester has gone by so fast
that it had seem like just yesterday it was the beginning of the semester
when we were all so ready to take on
whatever that would come our way.

Now, it's the finals.
Never the right time to write,
yet it seems like I always do at these times.
And the semester is ending and Christmas is just around the corner.
Which means that the year is ending as well.
Always the season for nostalgia.

Time to look back and reflect how the year has been
To see
What has happened
and of course,
what had mattered.

This year has been crazier than the past,
that's for sure.
With increasingly demanding schedule and commitments,
time seems to go by so fast at times.

Yet, in all that rush and commotion,
we somehow find time to do things that matter to us,
to spend time with those whom we care about
to let common sense off and do some nutty things at times
and to totally enjoy those moments.

This year,
I felt like that more has been done as compared to yesteryear.
More things that happened,
have actually mattered to me.
I've learned to care more and feel more
and just allow myself to experience things as they are
rather than over thinking it too much.

To stay at that moment as it happens,
rather than observe
just like a unrelated bystander.

I'll admit that the year has its up's and down's like every other year.
But this year just seems more special that others.
Maybe it's because that I've learnt to accept things.
How they happen and how one may not control it.
Rather one can only choose how to handle it.

Although yes,
there are choices that are entirely up to one's self.
Making choices and not regretting them is sometimes hard
But during those moments,
we forget that we are human too
and therefore, not perfect.

Rationally we know that,
but more often that not,
we still beat ourselves up over such choices.
Yet, looking back, that could have been the best option
under those circumstances.
And it still might be
even if the outcome is not the best one yet.

when a choice is made,
it is done.

Now, to get back to studying.
Textbooks, slides,
The bane of most students' existence ( Just maybe this is a little exaggerated, =p)

So, good luck peeps to your finals.
It's gonna be tough
but I think we'll all make it out
in one piece. =)

Dec 5, 2012

Why do fairy tales start with the usual...

"Once upon a time, in a kingdom far far away..."

Because fairy tales can never happen in real life.
They exist in a place so far that we don't even have a name for it.

And only occurs once.
After that, the magic is shattered and
all is gone.
Like nothing ever happened.
Back to the mundane and predictable.

Because fairy tales were never meant to be more than just tales.

Nov 29, 2012

Hot Air Balloons- the new way to travel?

Been having this fascination with this mode of transport for a bit

How awesome would it be to rise up to the sky slowly in a one of them,
looking down as the ground becomes further
and the people, places and all become smaller.

To fly up so high
one is left with quiet and
the company of one thoughts
just to enjoy the moment as it is.

no phones or internet connection.
maybe just a camera to capture such splendid moments

to feel that peace that comes
when there are no distractions,
nobody else to give orders or opinions.

just you, the hot air balloon and your thoughts,
high up in the air.

Nov 12, 2012


We have time - Octavian Palar

We have time for everything
Sleep, run back and forth,
regret the mistakes we made and err again,
judge others and absolve ourselves,
we have time to read and write,
edit what we wrote, regret what we wrote,
we have time to make projects and never follow through
we have time to dwell in illusions and stir through their ashes much later.

We have time for ambitions and diseases,
to blame destiny and details,
we have time to look at the clouds, at the ads, or some accident,
we have time
to chase away our questions, postpone our answers, we have time
to crush a dream and reinvent it, we have time to make friends,
to lose them, we have time to take lessons and forgetten
soon after, we have time to receive gifts and not understand them.

We have time for everything.
No time, though, for a little tenderness.
When we’re about to do that, too, we die.

I learnt some things in life that I want to share with you
I learnt you can’t make somebody love you. All you can
do is be a beloved person. The rest…depends on the

I learnt that however much I care,
Others might not care at all.
I learnt that it takes years to gain trust and that
you can lose it in just a few seconds.
I learnt that it doesn’t matter what you have in life, but whom.
I learnt you can get by and your charm is useful for about 15 minutes.
After that, however, you’d better know something.
I learnt that you should not compare yourself to what others can do better–
But to what you can do better.

I learnt that it doesn’t matter what happens to people
But what I can do to help them.
I learnt that no matter how you cut it,
Every thing has two faces.
I learnt you need to part with your loved ones with
warm words,
It might be the last time you see them.

I learnt that you can carry on for a long time
After you said you can’t.
I learnt that the heroes are those who do what’s needed, when needed,
No matter what the consequences.
I learnt that there are people who love you,
But don’t know how to show it.
I learnt that when I am angry, I have the right to be angry.

I learnt that true friendship continues to exist even at a distance.
 And this is also true for real love.
I learnt that, if somebody doesn’t love you like you want them to,
It doesn’t mean they don’t love you with all their heart.

I learnt that no matter how good a friend is,
He will nevertheless hurt you every once in a while,
And you’ve got to forgive him for this.
I learnt that it’s not always enough to be forgiven by others.

Sometimes you’ve got to learn to forgive yourself
I learn that no matter how much you suffer,
The world won’t stop in its tracks because of your pain.
I learnt that your past and circumstances might influence your personality
But you are responsible for what you become.

I learnt that if two people argue, it doesn’t mean they don’t love each other
And the fact that they don’t argue doesn’t prove they love each other.
I learnt that sometimes you’ve got to put a person first,
And not his deeds.

I learnt that two people can look at the same thing
And see two completely different things
I learnt that no matter what the consequences
Those who are honest with themselves go farther in life.

 I learnt that your life can change in the course of a few hours
By people who don’t even know you.
I learnt that when you think you’ve got nothing to give
When a friend calls for you, you’ll find the strength to help him.

I learnt that writing,
Just like talking,
Can soothe the pain in your soul.
I learnt the the people you love the most
Are taken away from you much too soon.
I learnt that it’s too hard to realize
Where to draw a line between being nice, not hurting people, and standing up for your beliefs.
I learnt to love
So I can be loved.

Nov 6, 2012

Conventional Wisdom?

Yes, its assignment crunch time again.
And yes, the blog is usually revived at such times.
Goes against conventional wisdom that says this reduces productivity?
Probably true.
Yet, it still happens.

Waiting for last minute inspiration to kick in.
It has a bit but still not enough.
Don't know why I keep doing this,
but so far down the road it has not failed me yet.
Maybe it's the adrenaline rush?
The full focus it requires you to put in?
The thrill of all or nothing?
Maybe a bit of all of the above.

I also know that this sometimes drives my friends crazy.
But you should know that this is the best way I work.
And, with time, the effort to convert me has gone down.
So, thank you for understanding and accepting.
I promise to lower your anxiety levels as best as I could,
in the ways that I can. =)

You don't know how this works?
Well, to be honest, I don't know too.
Lol. But I feel that things will turn out alright.
Just like they always do.

So, dear darlings,
on the eve of our our assignment deadlines,
I wish you all the best.
Ans yes, I know that you can do it.
Even if you think you can't. =p
Full speed ahead !

Oct 25, 2012

To live life and to know there so much more to it.

What do we do about it?

Try to get the rest or be contented with what we have?

Oct 7, 2012

You reach a point when you don't think caring matters any more.
You hate it but there's not much you can do about it.
You feel your patience wearing really thin.
You try to feel that they care too.
But do they?

So frustrated! Many things in life is kinda like a production line in a typical factory.
It has to go through A, B, C then D.
but if there's nothing coming from the front, people in the back have nothing to do.
At this point, all they can do is wait.
And this type of waiting is the type that one should be able to avoid if everyone kept to their schedule.
I know that you are busy.
Then again, so is EVERYONE else.

I suppose that is a moot point since you should know that.
or at least I expect you to.
Just like you expect of me.
So, buck up.

Sep 30, 2012

We got to do what we have got to do.

So, options available...

a. Live with it


then there's only...

b. Do something about it.

Telling myself that this is for the better.
And hopefully that it is.
Just reminding myself that if things do go wrong,
at this point of time,
the decision was made under such circumstances.

For every gain, there's loss.
For every loss, there's gain.
What are we willing to lose to gain?
Is the loss worth the gain?

Sep 9, 2012

Unexpected email

Got an email today,
reminding me of someone I thought that I would probably not see or hear from any time soon.

But that name is hard to be mistaken
since that name is rare
among the people that i know.

that reminds me of simpler times,
of times when we were all so naive,
maybe just me.

wish you all the best,
wherever you are. =)

Aug 31, 2012

Another summer day has come and gone away

The bolded word is happy. 
But how exactly do we define happiness?

People have searched for it since recorded time,
some have been successful,
others not as lucky.

Yet, we cannot put a cold hard definition for it.
Because it is different for everyone.
Just like a thumbprint.

Happiness can be as easy as nice cup of coffee in the morning 
It can be a sunny day,
A hot bowl of soup,
A quiet day at home,
These are the simple things that can make us smile and for a moment remember and experience happiness.

That light and springly feeling you get.
but not really put into words...
because you can never truly capture it's true essence.

For it changes as you change and grow as a person.
But there are also some things like ice cream that never change.
or at the very least have lasted till now.

The quest for happiness.
The ultimate quest?
Is it not what we all search for?
In all our pursuits for more material goods, unusual experiences and things like that?
With our family, friends and all those around us?

The best thing we wish for one another,
while hoping that we find our part of it.

Aug 28, 2012

Sem Break

Been back from China recently.
And, in the blink of an eye, classes start next week...

This semester break has flown by so fast,
even though it is the longest one in a year.
They do say that time flies when you're having fun. =)

Jun 13, 2012


I know this blog has been empty for quite a bit...
which is why I'm back =)

life's been busy.
there's just so much to do and so little time to do it,
especially sleep.
how I miss that.
so this post is written in a sleep deprived condition while waiting.

Recently, have been shown how life can remind you what's important
in a friend,
of what made you friends
in the first place.
and what'll keep you friends later on.
when you think that it's close to the end,
when you wonder why that happened in the beginning,
life shows you why all over again,
at the crucial time,
when you were just about to let go.

because of that,
you tighten your grip.
and choose to hold on.
for you know,
you've found something valuable and precious.

It's these moments that make all the difference.

Mar 21, 2012

Life is more than a little hectic at the moment.

Been out randoming with Shyuan and Delia...
then there's the whole lot of assignments.
being the peak now since most of it is due these few weeks..
and upcoming class test..
and other stuff....

The good thing is I won't be bored.
At least not till the semester ends.
Not so good thing,
super busy!!

i suppose you call this life? =)

just to someone:
I know what I can and cannot do. Don't think that you know me better than I do.

Jan 18, 2012

When we lose something, we'll gain something else
When we gain something, we'll lose something else.

When the question is to figure out which is the more valuable one,
Its hard..
when whatever you lose is just as valuable as whatever that you'll gain.

The saying goes,
you can't have your cake and eat it.
I can't have both

I know too clearly what I'll lose and gain,
whichever option I go with.
But that does not make it one bit easier.

You wish that you don't have to make a choice
But the path will fork
and you'll have to walk down one if not the other.
The choice is entirely up to you.

there's no choice but to choose.

The path has not forked yet.
But it will soon.
and I'm not ready to make that choice.

Jan 5, 2012


Have been busy these few day although class haven started...
timetable's finally out...

with most of the classes that have crappy timing.
how i missed classes that have that just awesome timing...

but today, our main topic is ice cream.
I <3 ice cream!

it transports me back to fond childhood memories
when a simple ice cream is all it takes to make my week.
when my focus was to play
when i had no timetable
when i could not care about homework
when i believed in fairytales

ice cream still makes my day now.
bringing me back to the past for a few short moments
to reminiscence how it was
to appreciate what has happened.

to remember memories so fond...

ice cream, I love you!

Jan 4, 2012


In the middle of a bridge,

With both side promising just as much.
Different though they might be,
They attract all the same.

One choice is as good as the other.
Which side should I take?

I want them both
But I know a choice I must make
To give up one 
To gain another
I cannot have both

Each one is as good as the other
which path shall I take?