Aug 25, 2013

Growing Up

Those two words that mean a lot.
What does it mean to grow up?

To pay bills and take on mortgages?
To think and act maturely?
To understand the many secrets of life?

Is it like a checklist that you tick off
and then qualify for?
Do you have to have them all
Or are there deal breakers?

Hmm. But one thing is sure.
It comes with a shift in paradigm.
To see the same things with a different set of eyes.
To understand another viewpoint
that may have never crossed your mind.

And perhaps, to understand that
there are no clear cut answers
No matter how convenient that notion is.

To realize that life is multifaceted
and that we're limited in our understanding towards it.

Growing up is a process.
Not an end goal.
It will continue on and on.
Just like the many things in life.

Time to grow up?
Maybe not yet.


Aug 12, 2013

Living on the Brink

Life on the edge.
Heart stopping

With that little line in the middle
That would make all the difference
Never knew how much
Up till now.

It's crunch time.
Do or die.
Time to take a deep breath
and take the plunge.

Aug 6, 2013

The night so still
Everything is quiet
With the chatter of the mind
To fill up the silence

I don't know how long this will last
I hope it ends soon
Just like a dream
And its gone
Far away from reality
Left in a land that sees no light.

The courage to do right
Before its too late
The wisdom to know
what you can actually change
and what you'll have to accept.

Something to keep in mind.

"You can't outwit fate by standing at the sidelines placing sidebets about the outcome of life.
Either you wade in and risk everything you have to play the game
or you don't play at all.

And, if you don't play, you can't win."

Judith McNaught