Jan 12, 2009

Angels & Demons

this image is a symbol of the existence of opposite in our world....
with black there must be white,
with evil there must be good(no matter how little),
with angels there must also be demons...

Is it just me or is this happening to you too?
My angels(and good things in life) seem to be doing a good job of eluding me,
However, my demons(and all things not so good in life) seem to bugging endlessly,
Bringing along a lot of things that I dun wanna think or take action regarding it...
Things that I thought that I have seem the last of it...
Or so I hope...

Now the invasion starts again,
Throwing my life into unruly chaos...
Totally out of balanced...
I'm now lost, looking for direction...

Hoping to find it soon...
And gaining back my sense of direction...maybe....