Our mind when it has nothing to do,
likes to roam,
to many different thoughts, places and memories...
Sometimes,its a pleasant one,
Sometimes its not....
Either way,
we go on but not without the effect of our straying minds...
Whatever that was there,
Changes and affects what we'll do next..
Whether or not we're aware,
the fact stares at us coldly in the face...
For it is a fact
that does not require your humble confirmation to exist.
It is a fact by virtue that its true
cannot be altered simply to fit your every whim and fancy.
The thoughts that the mind holds
The thoughts that our heart holds...
Does not differ much.
For our hearts is the catalyst in changing the way the mind thinks,dreams and operate.
The heart holds memories the way we want it to
Filtering what we refuse to see...
Blinding us from what is reality..
But none is reality
Other than what the heart decrees to be reality.
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