Oct 14, 2010

its study break week...
and i'm super guilty for not even picking up any books of any kind to study...

knowing that WACE is just looming around the corner does not make it any better...
feeling a little down cause all of a sudden things don't seem like i envisioned it to be...

Generally, people would say that's just life, live with it...
they're right...

BUT...(there's always a but in everything)
I feel that whatever I've went out to achieve,
I have not done enough to meet my own standards...

In some sense, I supposed you could call that regret..

Anyways, the blog will probably remain vacant until I finish WACE
or..if i choose to steal a few moments to shower some attention on this much neglected blog(yes, i'm very aware of that)

so now, i'll have to put 100 annd 1% into getting the results i so very much need..
its the only way to get what i very much want..