Oct 7, 2012

You reach a point when you don't think caring matters any more.
You hate it but there's not much you can do about it.
You feel your patience wearing really thin.
You try to feel that they care too.
But do they?

So frustrated! Many things in life is kinda like a production line in a typical factory.
It has to go through A, B, C then D.
but if there's nothing coming from the front, people in the back have nothing to do.
At this point, all they can do is wait.
And this type of waiting is the type that one should be able to avoid if everyone kept to their schedule.
I know that you are busy.
Then again, so is EVERYONE else.

I suppose that is a moot point since you should know that.
or at least I expect you to.
Just like you expect of me.
So, buck up.