Nov 30, 2010

Have been attending moral and malaysian studies class last week and this week...
So far its been boring
except for our field trip to Tunku Abdul Rahman's memorial...

That is supposedly the only fun we're gonna get from the whole thing
cause only that day did we not have to sit in a stuffy classroom
trying our best to keep our eyes open
or at least look like we're awake during class...

Surprisingly, the trip had quite a few interesting facts...
Especially those behind the scenes stuff
that we were enlightened by the tour guides there...

TAR's residence had rather good design and deco..
Despite the fact that the place is 120 years old...
Or maybe because they made such nice places to take pictures in..

Anyways..hope to pass these 2 boring but compulsory subjects...
I certainly do not want to go through all the classes again...

Thankfully, it ends this Friday!
Can'twait for it but at the same time dreading it since there'll be exams..
Who cares if it's MCQ...
will try to study and understand some cause someone told me that
you can pass without reading...

PS. if I fail, I'll hold you responsible for know who you are...=p

Nov 27, 2010

The ground might be safe,
But those who do not take the leap of faith
Shall never have the chance to know the joy of flying.

Oct 28, 2010

Who knew that something that I thought would be all business and no fun could be such a rewarding experience?

Knew you guys were awesome,
just didn't know how much...

making me laugh when i stressed out,
going crazy doing crappy stuff
and getting high on high calorie junk food..

very glad that I did know you guys.

so, before our major exam,
just wanted to say good luck to all of you...
love you guys!

Oct 14, 2010

its study break week...
and i'm super guilty for not even picking up any books of any kind to study...

knowing that WACE is just looming around the corner does not make it any better...
feeling a little down cause all of a sudden things don't seem like i envisioned it to be...

Generally, people would say that's just life, live with it...
they're right...

BUT...(there's always a but in everything)
I feel that whatever I've went out to achieve,
I have not done enough to meet my own standards...

In some sense, I supposed you could call that regret..

Anyways, the blog will probably remain vacant until I finish WACE
or..if i choose to steal a few moments to shower some attention on this much neglected blog(yes, i'm very aware of that)

so now, i'll have to put 100 annd 1% into getting the results i so very much need..
its the only way to get what i very much want..

Aug 9, 2010

Its assignment season again!!

Yes it is the season when all assignments come flooding together
And most probably drown us all...

Anyways, time before Wace is getting shorter and shorter...
But dun think I'm up to scoring really high marks yet...
Cause still am in the average category....

Anyways was thinking bout the many things in life that were gray...
Little was ever in black and white but there are tons of shades of gray...

How dark or light is that shade of grey is totally up to how we see things
But it won't be black or white,
Its always somewhere in between...
Unless you have a really really extreme view on a certain subject...

Otherwise it's a gray gray life for the rest of us.
There's no right or wrong...
But something in the middle...

Jul 26, 2010

This is fast becoming a monthly blog...
since the only time i update now is almost the end of the month...

Time really flies,
no matter how cliche you think that is...

Its just the plain truth...

Met up with friends a few days ago...
Not much has really changed
but not much has stayed the same too...

We're all in college,
talking bout who wrecked their cars,

stuff that wasn't really applicable to us not even a year ago...

but we do talk bout the usual crap as well...haha...

There is change in things but at least it is good change...
We'll never stay in the past forever,
The only place we can stay in is the present...

for college,
WACE is just 3 months away...
but everyone is still not really geared up yet..
at least those around me..

gotta study harder!

that's all for now...

until next time(more likely next month ^^)

Jun 20, 2010

The Month Of June....

It has been a rather crazy month...
after finishing all those assignments....

We then move on to the EE...
finally got that over last thurs...

then went to penang,
just came back yesterday...

anyways the holidays has officially started!!!

But after the trip,
i seriously think that famous food is just overrated...

I just don't get it...

First you have to wait about half an hour at least for a seat 
Then you wait another half an hour at least for a waiter,
then you wait at least one hour for your food...

ANd then, it doesn't taste much more than mediore....

Think about it...  
all that just to eat something that's not as good as it's said to be, 
you even have to fork out more than the usual price...
it truly is ridiculus.

The next time you say we're going to eat something that is famously good and out of this world...
check your facts before hand...

Cause it's probably a whole lot of hot air....

May 25, 2010


I haven't posted anything for quite a while...

been busy lately....

My to-do-list:

-Finish Psychology poster by thursday
-Finish EALD assignment by next Tuesday
-Psychology Topic Test on Thurs
-Maths Topic Test on Fri
-CAE presentation on Fri....

that about all...have not mention the extra class today and the extra class next week on this same day but for a different subject....

After all that, its gonna be EE week...

Which is sorta like our first sem exam...anyway...
will try to study as much as possible before i go in there...

AFTER ALL THAT, its gonna be sleep till noon...

Apr 28, 2010

Semester Break

It really is the semester break...
but its only 1 week long...

Don't get me wrong...
I don't hate college,
I just dislike waking up at 5.30 every morning to get ready and take the bus...
So, its a refreshing change that I dun hav to do that
at least for this week...
No crappy bus that sometimes come late...
No taking a one whole hour journey from home to sunway...
None of those is enough to make my day...^^

The best news is....

I've finally watched Kaichou Wa Maid Sama...
The anime of course...

its been out since the start of April but I didn't have the time...!!!

That's all I'll write for today.

Gotta finish the stuff that's piling up as I'm typing this...

Apr 22, 2010

Busy la...

Just finish our EALD forum presentation on Tues...
At least it wasn't as disasterous as I thought it would be....
Since all groups finish presenting...
Wed's class was cancelled....

Which on that day I so happen to have a CAE replacement class...
that meant 6 hours of break!!
they say too muuch of a good thing is bad and that's true..

no time to rest...

Have to finish maths homework on time for the extra class tommorow...
and do CAE assignment that would be due in 2 week...

Plus next week is holiday week...
then one week after holiday is the start of topic tests for all subjects...

Dunno how to get it all done in time...
Just hope that all my hair will stay black after all this..

So much for now...

Apr 17, 2010

So Far.....So Good?

Looks like its the end of another week....

Which also means that it's getting closer to my deadlines...
Which we really progress...
Which I hope we can finish it in time....

Enough about all the doom and gloom...

Lets start with the undecided...

To those who don't know,
that would be my CAE assignment where we have to choose between

a) interviewing someone above 45 about their working life....


b)analyze jobs that have been gone for 300 years

tough choice?
i think its kinda dumb....

both choices have its pros and cons...
have to give teacher next week then spend my whole semester break finishing it up...

Then we move on to the fun stuff....

Had real fun today driving...
Especially when i can go more than 70km/h...
finally get to speed a little....

but don't get the shocked look,
I did it within reasonable speed limits wan la..
No matter how fast I wanted to go...

So much for now...
Must return my attention to my assignments or they'll never get done....

Will update after forum presentation.

Apr 12, 2010

Sunway Outing

It was a drizzly day with little sun...

But we didn't mind since we won't get sun burned haha...


We headed there to celebrate the belated Bday of a very dear P.M.(not prime minister, mind you...)
Cupcakes were on the menu...


if you don't know what that means....

well...I'll tell you...
How To Train Your Dragon.

although some people faced with the prospect of watching a animation was not so wiling at first,
they seemed pretty satisfied with my choice after all....

this would be the part where i tell them...

I Told U So!

But that would be really sarcastic and dumb,so you guys are off the hook....

My EALD assignment is almost done(my part),
have not started on maths yet...

But I promise that it'll be done by tonight(cause the class is tomorrow morning....)
So long for now.


Watch HTTYD! if you dunno what that means...please refer to the above.


This is a really lame at your own risk(but i suppose that this warning came a little too late...haha...)

Apr 6, 2010

It seems like I have been busy for quite some while now....

I now have some time to blog before really starting to do my project...

Which so happens to be the issues of....

Women's Rights VS Men's Right 

I'm not exactly complaining except for some details that are not really worth much mention here....

Never knew that so much could revolve around these few simple words...

Who pays for the date right down to custody and alimony....
Some of these rights that we take for granted 
were actually faught for and of course won....
otherwise we won't have them.....

To think that 
things were very different until not so very long ago,
made me use some of my grey matter to contemplate this matter.

For what is have today was not necessary what they had yesterday.
And for some even today they lack it.
So its a time to feel grateful of the things that I have and maybe...
complain a little less...


PS. Ryan,  please make some noise when you walk the next time!

Mar 27, 2010


When we aren't given the chance to decide,
we complain and say
hey that's my future!
I should be the one making decisions!

But when we get the luxury of deciding things ourselves...
we then go on and say something like:
what do you think of this?
am i making the right choice?
what will happen if I decide to do this or that?

So many questions....
and yet
So little answers....

It's baffling but the decision we make today
shape our future tomorrow...

No matter what we decide
the future is in our own hands.

We can no longer blame another for making a rotten decision
For we are now the ones making it...

So the only one there is to blame is ourselves....

The freedom of making decision comes rather heavily...
For every outcome good and bad is your own doing and no one else!

It sometimes can be too heavy that our shoulders slump while trying to stand up straight....
But the decision is now yours
and only yours.

Make the right ones when you can
and forgive yourself when you don't.
So you can go on and make a right one the next time.

Mar 25, 2010


this is currently my second week of college
which also happens to be club and society week...

so there were booths around the place promoting different clubs...


we entered.....

the Korean Club!

never thought I would but turned out to be rather fun...

However college life is more demanding than i thought...
because waking up at 6 to catch the bus at 7 is not what i'm really used to...

then reching college after 8...and to think that its not that far away....

going home isn't easy too...
finishing after 4 then reaching home close to 7...

but then all in all...

i suppose its still ok
other than the change of class timetable this morning that we weren't informed of....

that's all for now....
updates will be irregular.
due to uncertain timetable.

Mar 17, 2010

A New Start

Will start college tomorrow...

A new beginning of a new chapter in my life.

Hope that everthing will be ok.

Will update soon.Promise.^^

Mar 13, 2010

Those who change the world

Those who bring change are those who dared to be different

They stand tall with their beliefs 

Not caring what obstacles that they might face
They face it with pride and persistence

they fill their cause with passion, determination to overcome
even when the majority was not on their side.

Mar 7, 2010

SPM results out soon

Well I suppose that this isn't very new news...
Nevertheless this is it.

Whether its good grades or otherwise...
The time is here for us all to see,
how much all our time and effort was worth.

We have all waited/dreaded this moment where the ambiguous state of things were to become crystal clear...
It is no longer just not knowing or rather ignoring it like some..
Its gonna be like Judgment Day when everyone just gonna be jittery...
I guess that will include me as well.

what will be will be..
there's nothing to change what's gonna happen this thurs..

At lesat i get to see everyone once more in the same place...
cause this is probably the last time some of us will ever see each other if not forever then a long time...

we can say that this is kinda of a closure/ending for our high school life...
and to finish that particular chapter of life is filling me with mixed feelings...
although i'm glad that it's just over,
but i can't help missing more than a few things of that chapter..

good luck everyone,
hope that you get what you hope that you'll get for SPM!
see you on Thursday.

Mar 2, 2010

Driving Lesson 3

Went for my 3rd lesson today...
that includes doing the QTI (pre-test)
so the whole thing sort of went like this....

wait for driving instucter to pick me up for the lesson...
status: half asleep..

got onto the car...
status: quarter asleep..

before 9300am....
in the car, dosing on an off..

start to drive.
using lousy car this time with lame brakes that aren't cut out to do the job
took turns driving with the other girls.


actual on the road driving at the max speed of only 50km/h...
which might seem slow but it does change a lot when i'm at the wheel...

round one complete.waiting for round 2 in a not so ventilated waiting room with not enough chairs....

round 2 begins...
nothing different except the was back to the lousy one that we used in the first place....sadly....

round2 ends...waiting for others to complete their rounds...

finally we're leaving for home..
since this so happen to be the time the schools are over...
traffic jam...half the way...
dozing on and off lunch yet.

finally home.

Feb 25, 2010

Driving Lessons Part 2

Went for my 2nd driving lesson yesterday...
And it was at the least more enjoyable than the 1st since I've now learned everything but on the road driving...

But now there seem so little time....
to finish my lessons and take the test in time before i started college(if i choose so.)

When I started out in Jan,
there seemed to be so much free time in my hands...
but now..
I need to make time to fit everything in...
Time flies....
Break will be over soon...
and the studying will begin again once more.

Not sure how I'll fare on the academic side this time...
But I hope that I'll put in enough effort to make it actually count and matter.

Till next time.

Feb 17, 2010

The Heart Does As It Pleases

Our mind when it has nothing to do,
likes to roam,
to many different thoughts, places and memories...

Sometimes,its a pleasant one,
Sometimes its not....

Either way,
we go on but not without the effect of our straying minds...
Whatever that was there,
Changes and affects what we'll do next..

Whether or not we're aware,
the fact stares at us coldly in the face...
For it is a fact
that does not require your humble confirmation to exist.

It is a fact by virtue that its true
cannot be altered simply to fit your every whim and fancy.

The thoughts that the mind holds
The thoughts that our heart holds...
Does not differ much.

For our hearts is the catalyst in changing the way the mind thinks,dreams and operate.
The heart holds memories the way we want it to
Filtering what we refuse to see...
Blinding us from what is reality..

But none is reality
Other than what the heart decrees to be reality.

Feb 13, 2010

Some tigers are just too cute to resist!
These are just a few...
Don't have much to write 4 now...
so this will be all la...

Feb 11, 2010

Overly stimulated Pain Nerves...

This past few days i have been helping round the house doing housework...
As a result if this few days...
I have managed to stimulate a lot of my pain nerves in my hands..

The reason behind that is because...
I accidentally cut my right thumb when i was cleaning the windows...
In fact, its a rather deep cut...(unlucky me T.T)

The very next day(today...)
I cut my right index finger when i was cutting the vegetables...
Maybe the vege wanted me to feel how it was like getting cut...

After a few hours,
i scraped my wrist on a door...
which then lead too some bleeding again...

From this 3 situations...
I guess we can conclude that typing with one less index finger due the fact that its warped up by a plaster is not exactly pleasant..
Not to say that now my nail is damaged too...not a sight for sore eyes at all...

lets hope I keep the rest of my fingers unharmed...
Otherwise I really won't know how to type anymore...
Just joking...

Will try to keep out of trouble like someone asked..
and try to keep away from similar painful disasters....

That's all for now..

Feb 5, 2010

是 tank 唱的哦。。。。


累了 照惯例努力清醒着
心跳在梦中 不听话的 就停止了

听着 呼吸像浪潮拍动着
如果连自己的脉搏 都难掌握

如果变成回忆 退出了这场生命
冰冷身体 拥抱不了你
想到让深爱的你 人海孤独旅行
会恨自己 如此狠心

如果变成回忆 终于没那么幸运
没机会白着头发 蹒跚牵着你 看晚霞落尽
若有人可以 让他陪你 不怪你

快乐 什么时候会结束呢
可知你是生命中的 最舍不得

如果变成回忆 退出了这场生命
冰冷身体 拥抱不了你
想到让深爱的你 人海孤独旅行
会恨自己 如此狠心

如果变成回忆 终于没那么幸运
没机会白着头发 蹒跚牵着你 看晚霞落尽
若有人可以 让他陪你

如果变成回忆 最怕太不争气
顽固的赖在空气 霸占你心里 每一寸缝隙
连累依然爱的你 痛苦承受失去
这样不公平 请你尽力 把忘记

Feb 4, 2010

Addicted to manga...totally....

This is Usui, main character of the manga....

Been reading manga this few days...
can't stop really...really addictive...
since its probably gonna be the only chance i'll get before i start studying again..
might as well enjoy it now...

go usui!

Feb 3, 2010

Well well well...
who ever thought that my first driving lesson could be disastrous?
It was supposed to be perfect and easy(what i expected...)

it apparently was...very much horrible...
and i personally didn't quite know what went wrong...
It might sound stupid...
but seriously...
the instructor expected me to find my own mistakes and fix them...

But if i could do that,
he wouldn't have a job at all...
Maybe its his mid age crisis...
the best thing would be he x reading this....

I dunno if I'll become his least favorite student..
but since i think i already am...
then there's no harm then...

But damn the gas pedal...
I think if I fail the practical driving test,
it'll probably be because i'm stepping on the pedal too hard..
and causing it to accelerate too fast(and maybe crash into something...not that it happened yet...)

But by the looks of things,
getting my license to drive would really be a rather long way away...

i hereby appeal to any higher power that we humans look up to,
to make sure that my examiner would shut one of his eye and just let me pass...

I'll be stuck with Mr. Mid-Age-Crisis again...
which i am seriously,
so pray have some mercy and spare me all the torture...

that would be all of the complaints from me now...
looking forward to CNY!
will update soon when i get the chance..

Jan 29, 2010

Random Thoughts

I've finally found the time to blog....
was doing some thinking today...
so it'll just be bout some random thoughts...
don't get lost whilst reading..^^v

Random thought #1
kaichou wa maid-sama is a really funny manga...

Random thought #2
i should go find some comedy to watch soon...

Random thought#3
are some things really that impossible? '.'

Random thought#4
where was i??

Random thought#5
never mind...will remember at a later time....=.=

Well...that's all...cause i lost track...hehe..till next time...

Jan 23, 2010


As we grow,
we tend to view things so much more differently than before...
even were it just a month ago,
things have become different...
and so has there been a change in the way i view it as well..

No matter...
I hope that'll I see things in a better light..
and would always see the silver linings of the dark rain cloud
instead of just notice the pouring rain...
maybe I'll notice the rainbow that only comes out after the rain...

Till next time...

Jan 18, 2010

Choices. Choices, More Choices

The choices that are now presented before me
will bring me down very different paths
no matter which one i choose.

Thinking about which to take is no simple task
Not at all...
especially with the future at stake

The choices that are made now shall determine which way the future will be paved...
A decision not to be be lightly taken at all...
Or maybe I'm the one that's putting too much thought in this matter...

one thing is for sure,
the choices lie in my own hands,
what i choose shall determine the path to take...

I hope that I'll make the right choice .

Jan 14, 2010

Missing Form 5..

Things used to be more fun in secondary school...
it might be the fact that most of time there are not much classes or rather not much classes we bother to pay attention to...
so we have lots of time for yakking and playing...

I also kinda miss the many flight of stairs that we have to climb up/go down whenever we need to go somewhere...
Not forgetting our canteen food(this may sound weird...)
but we can't really find the same flavors outside...
maybe its because we're eating it in a different place
or simply the people we're eating together with isn't the same ones from school...

I also miss the crap we would all talk about when the is time(which is almost most of the time..)
Despite most of the things we talked about we rather crappy...
we all seem to enjoy ourselves very much...
in spite that sometimes...
we forgo our homework and studying(just a little la...)

I miss the times we would lepak in BK
but not get caught by teachers...
rather we get caught by other people more...
we would always love to go there...
especially when we get to skip boring classes...
pretty much our means of escape...

The whiteboard that we scribble on every morning when there's a marker pen in sight...
but we do rub it off later..(responsible right...^^v)
we don't write much on the board when the teachers need us to...hehehe...

We like it even more when there's some special event that's in preparation..
since that usually means that the teachers are occupied with other more pressing matters rather than teaching us...
leaving us free to talk, draw on the board(and rub it off later), or plain just lepak-ing...

Those truly where the days that were really fun..
Finding those moments again won't be easy..

But finding in another phase of our lives will take more than a little time...
Cause of the new enviroment, new people, new schedule and so on...
I hope that I'll find it in a not so distant future...


Have been working for almost for a week...
before that..
passed my undang with 46/50 last sat...
this sat will be preparing for the dreaded 6 hour course...
i'll probably be bored to death..
but that's the price you'll have to pay to learn to drive...
totally crappy,
yet we're all powerless to change it...

just like other things...
thinking of quitting...
cause i don't have any time for anything else but that...
maybe it'll be today...
but who knows...
we'll just have to wait and see...
all this grey matter usage is really not that fun at all...
in fact i think it kinda complicates the matter..
rather a lot more...

so much for now..
will update if i find the time to do so.

Jan 5, 2010

A Whole New Chapter

If things go as they are now..
I'll probably end up in college by this march or may...
dunno yet la,
still have to see how things turn out.

found a job in Subang Parade in a shoe shop ad...
will be starting work this Sunday...
hope that it will be enjoyable..

before that,
will be taking my undang test this Sat(finally)...
after the system complications the last time I went lo...
after that time...
I seriously would not consider any kind of things to be affiliated with gov related departments esp during pre-holiday, holiday and posy holiday season...
have learned my lesson too well(waited 6 hours for nothing b4 christmas...)

wish me luck for my exam and my new job.
looking forward to update the blog soon...
dun miss me (ss-ing >.<)

Jan 3, 2010

An Ending

As time pass by,
people not only evolve to become more modern...
they become more complicated as well...

so starts the words with underlying meaning...
the masks that hides what we don't desire others to glimpse..
the actions we do to keep things we don't want others to know under wraps...

all simply complicates things..
creating differences
that divides us apart further from each other
although once those meant nothing to us...

but now it pulls us apart...
i doubt if we'll be able to put aside those differences...
i guess this is the end.

My aunt's wedding

the girls with the bride

this was the wedding i attended some time ago...
my aunt's...
its kinda late to put this now since the honeymoon was long over ad..

i guess that would be all about this matter.
till next time...